Oct 4, 2023Liked by Alexander Macris

Alright Macris, I need some advice here (because I am stupid).

I have been holding out on buying ACKS so as to wait in ACKS2. I am interested in the whole game, but somewhat married to Beyond the Wall as my go-to base system. I still intend to purchase all of the ACKS2-compatible stuff, but my plan is to graft the parts that I like into BtW. I am especially interested in the mass combat and domain rules. But I digress.

So my question is, is there a list somewhere of what current ACKS products will continue unchanged alongside ACKS2, and which products will be replaced by new ACKS2 stuff? I'd like to go ahead and get some stuff now, to tide me over until ACKS2 ships.

Thanks bro. You the gigachad of tabletop gaming.

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ACKS is pretty easy to leverage for other games. The intent is for most-everything to remain compatible. I may or may not publish new editions of some of the books, depending on how well ACKS II does.

I would say if you wanted to have the maximum material to exploit, without overlapping with material in ACKS II, you should purchase BY THIS AXE, HEROIC FANTASY HANDBOOK, BARBARIAN CONQUERORS, ALMANAC OF UNUSUAL MAGIC, and the various AX series of adventures. The best material from Axioms Compenium #1 is already incorporated into ACKS II, but there is lots of value in Axioms Compendium #2. If you want to do tabletop mass combat with figures or stands, get DOMAINS AT WAR: BATTLES and TROOPS AND TERRAIN.

Thanks for the kind words and support!

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Thanks man.

Do your mass combat rules *require* figures and terrain, or can they be used in a more abstract way?

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Domains at War is divided into the books Campaigns and Battles; the former contains (amongst the rest of the rules) a simplified method for handling mass combat that doesn't require figures or terrain, while Battles is entirely focused on the rules for a hex-based wargame of complexity comparable to regular combat.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Alexander Macris

Is there a preview link so I can have it remind me when it starts? Thank you.

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There will be soon! Just waiting on KS to approve it.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Alexander Macris

That's great news!

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