Friends, Aurans, Countrymen - Today’s update is a big one!
ACKS II Available on DriveThruRPG Starting Saturday
First thing’s first: ACKS II will go on sale in PDF format on DriveThruRPG on Saturday, December 21st. If you’ve been waiting to get your copy of the new rules, your time is at hand. Starting on Saturday you can head over to the Autarch DTRPG page and click the “ACKS II” box to snag your PDFs.
ACKS To Grind Tonight with Joel Clark
Tonight I’ll be running my 13th ACKS To Grind livestream. Tonight's guest is game designer Joel Clark, who is currently running a crowdfunding campaign for Acid and Steel, a sourcebook for his Lone Wolf Fists RPG. Join us at 9PM Eastern tonight for a fun chat!
ACKS II Treasure Tome Playtest Draft
Backers of the ACKS II Treasure Tome Kickstarter campaign have just received their copy of the playtest draft. The 340-page compendium is filled with over 1,200 new magic items ready for use at your tabletop. If you missed the original crowdfunding campaign, you can still join as a late backer. Just head over to the ACKS II Treasure Tome Kickstarter page and pledge!
An Upcoming Contest - Don’t Miss It!
Next month I will be launching a contest for ACKS Patreon backers. Contest entrants will receive a preview copy of a newly-developed Auran Empire Trade Routes map with a comprehensive write-up of the demand modifiers for every Class I and II city in the continent.
Entrants will be challenged to find the most profitable trade routes in the Auran Empire, taking into account distance, demand, and more. You’ll need to be an expert in the ACKS II Mercantile Venture rules, so start reading those now to be ready! There will be several ways to win, with delightful prizes including signed hardcover books, custom art commissions, and more.
Are You a Patron of the ACKS Patreon?
If you're interested in "what's next" for ACKS II, members of the Patreon are getting monthly updates and sneak previews from Before All Others: The Cyclopedia of Elven Civilization. One of the best perks of being part of the Patreon is the opportunity to help shape the design process by seeing the earliest drafts. Those who've been with us for the long-term know that Autarch (me, really) listens intently to the community's playtest feedback.
If you've never checked out the ACKS Patreon, you can find it here. The recurring revenue from the Patreon is what sustains the business during the long spells between Kickstarters, especially in 2023-2024 when sales of ACKS I have dried up during the transition to ACKS II. In today's economy, with inflation making every dollar count, I am exceptionally grateful to everyone who chooses to allocate some of it each month to helping keep Autarch in action.
Support the Community
Once you’ve pledged for the crowdfunding campaign, head on over to these community links:
Autarch Discord with one of the smartest, nicest gamer communities around
Autarch Reddit with a sub-set of the aforementioned smartest, nicest gamers
Ascendant Patreon with a new character and story hook every month
Autarch Facebook page with news and updates about our projects
Autarch Twitter channel with brief comments and witty quirks
Ascendant Comics Facebook page with sneak previews of the upcoming comics
Ascendant Comics Instagram page with tons of art and cosplay
Ascendant Comics Twitter channel with short messages and quirky wit