With 12 days still to go in the Kickstarter campaign for the Adventurer Conqueror King System II, we have raised $292,438! That is an exciting milestone, because it means that we have now out-raised Old School Essentials: Advanced Fantasy. Since OSE: AF has been one of the market leaders in the Old School Renaissance for years, this is a significant event for our game. With your continued support, we’ll surely raise even more.
Now, of course, there are a number of OSR RPGs that have done even better, most notably Dolmenwood ($1,389,313), Shadowdark ($1,365,924), and Knave 2E ($645,580). But that’s a good thing! I see the success of those games as an encouragement towards my own future efforts. Dolmenwood, after all, was built on the success of OSE: AF, which gives me great hope for my upcoming Chuck Dixon’s Conan RPG.
(You did hear that I was designing a Chuck Dixon’s Conan RPG, right?)
(I think ChatGPT may have used a combination of Fabio and Arnie for this image. Oh well.)
The ACKS II Promo Tour
The ACKS online promotional tour continues.
Completed: Interviewed by ZSum716
Completed: Stream with Nerdcognito
Completed: Stream with Howard_RyanGreg
Completed: Stream with DunderMoose
Completed: Stream with thetshirtedone
Completed: Stream with legionofmyth
Completed: Stream with MrMaxBoivin_RPG
Completed: Stream with MildraTheMonk
Completed: Stream with WeeWheaton
Completed: Stream with UandURPGReview
Completed: Stream with Tenkar's Tavern
Completed: Stream with @Neckbeardia
Completed: Stream with Geek Gab
Completed: Discord Chat with Randomworlds
Nov 13 (3PM ET): Stream with Iconic Production
Nov 17 (7 PM ET): Stream with legionofmyth again!
If you have a podcast, stream, or show that covers RPG topics and you’d like to have me on as part of my ACKS II promo tour, please reach out via email or Twitter (@archon).
The Grey Brotherhood
Today I uploaded the 14th episode of The Grey Brotherhood. Check it out below! We’ll be releasing two more episodes of The Grey Brotherhood in the next 12 days as nothing demonstrates the greatness of ACKS II better than Actual Play.
Actual Play of ACKS
There are more people playing ACKS today than at any point in the game’s 12-year history. It’s incredibly gratifying to me as a designer and it gives me hope that ACKS II will reach an even broader base.
With the help of the Autarch Discordians, I compiled some links to some other ACKS campaigns:
Acksen Vul (should be fixed)
And here’s our flourishing Substack community:
If you have a blog or third-party product that supports ACKS or Ascendant, please let me know and I’ll be happy to include you in my next round-up.
Support the Community
Once you’ve pledged for the Discord, head on over to these community links:
Autarch Discord with one of the smartest, nicest gamer communities around
Autarch Reddit with a sub-set of the aforementioned smartest, nicest gamers
Ascendant Patreon with a new character and story hook every month
Autarch Facebook page with news and updates about our projects
Autarch Twitter channel with brief comments and witty quirks
Ascendant Comics Facebook page with sneak previews of the upcoming comics
Ascendant Comics Instagram page with tons of art and cosplay
Ascendant Comics Twitter channel with short messages and quirky wit
Congrats - this looks awesome! Hit me up if you'd like to an interview with me on Rediscovered Realms.