Two weeks ago I announced a new crowdfunding campaign from Autarch and Ascendant Comics: Ascendant Star-Spangled Squadron Volume II. Today I wanted to share a sneak preview of the cover for the graphic novel. This is the black & white inks as drawn by Mel Joy San Juan:
Yes, that’s a flying manatee. His name is Levitee and he is the world’s first levitating wisecracking super manatee. Every superhero team needs an adorable animal friend. Just wait until you see Levitee’s match-up with Helen Killer, the world’s most powerful blind-deaf assassin!
Ascendant: Star-Spangled Squadron launches on July 18, 2024 as part of Backerkit's comic crowdfunding campaign Comictopia. Please sign up to show your support for the new campaign, w. I’m in competition with some of the finest indie comic creators in the world, and I’m counting on the Autarch community!
The Autarch Emporium
I get a lot of questions about which platform is the best choice for supporting me. The answer is the Autarch Emporium, where I sell my print runs as well as t-shirts and accessories. Since we’re celebrating Ascendant today, be sure to check out:
Ascendant: Rogues Gallery RPG sourcebook
Ascendant: Star-Spangled Squadron graphic novel
Ascendant: Star-Spangled Squadron limited edition foil cover graphic novel
Best practices of newsletter marketing demand that I ask you to buy now because supplies are limited. Seriously, though, the graphic novel is awesome if you enjoy superhero stories and the game is a simulationist masterpiece.
The Grey Brotherhood has Returned
Since the last newsletter, I’ve published not one, not two, but three(!) new episodes of the Grey Brotherhood. You can start watching them below:
If you’re not familiar with the Grey Brotherhood, it’s an Actual Play series that I record with my brother and my old friends from the US Military Academy. The eponymous brothers are members of the Thin Grey Line and have grey hair.
A Short Message
I’ve posted my next set of shorts on the Arbiter of Worlds YouTube channel. These short clips distill the essence of my approach into one-minute soundbytes. Check out the playlist of shorts or take a peak below. With thumbnails like these, this series is my biggest hit ever!
ACKS on Substack
Be sure to check out our flourishing Substack community:
If you have a blog or third-party product that supports ACKS or Ascendant, please let me know and I’ll be happy to include you in my next round-up.
Support the Community
Once you’ve pledged for the Discord, head on over to these community links:
Autarch Discord with one of the smartest, nicest gamer communities around
Autarch Reddit with a sub-set of the aforementioned smartest, nicest gamers
Ascendant Patreon with a new character and story hook every month
Autarch Facebook page with news and updates about our projects
Autarch Twitter channel with brief comments and witty quirks
Ascendant Comics Facebook page with sneak previews of the upcoming comics
Ascendant Comics Instagram page with tons of art and cosplay
Ascendant Comics Twitter channel with short messages and quirky wit
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